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We're Expanding....

We're expanding our little family by two little feet!

2010 has been filled with many new adventures. In January, we bought our first home. Made repairs and remodels with the help of friends and Tim's Dad the month of February. We bid farewell to the downtown high rise life and welcomed the move to suburban socialites in March. We also found out we're filling the bedrooms fast than expected....Baby #2 is due in November!

This week, we are celebrating Aidan's 2nd birthday! It's construction theme...he loves to point out all of the trucks, trains and cranes...thought it was fitting to fill our house with hard hats, inflatable hammers and construction cones. I'll post pictures this weekend.

Hopefully I will find time to maintain the blog with more pictures. My phone rings off the hook weekly begging/bugging for more pictures and postings. The multiple phone calls come from the same Bebe! Aidan's growing so fast, my camera and computer can't keep up. Soon my belly will be growing....don't know if I want to post any of those pictures! ;)

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